Well days and months have come and gone and its nearing the end of my final semester at university. The work load is still piled to the ceilings and there really is not much leisure time for one's self.
In the mean time while completing technical drawings, thesis hand ins and product design deadlines i have managed to finalize the Oceanariums Logo and i think it looks pretty awsome :)
The hand relates to the human species and the turtle represents life and longituity, and together through awerness and care, sustainablity and marine conservatin can be reached. The hand also is shaped in an Afican map outline, representing the South African coastline and the species in this area. The name OCEAN stands for: observing, caring, educational, aquarium, niche. The five fingers and their colours relate to the spatial organisation within the facility, this is used to guide users through the interior spaces.
In the mean time happy designing all you peeps and stay posted for my product design :)
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